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Car Accident Settlements – How to Negotiate More Money With the Auto Insurance Adjuster

To get more money from your car accident settlements, you need to understand how to negotiate with an auto claims adjuster.Negotiating with an auto claims adjuster is tough. If you are unprepared, then you can end up losing thousands of dollars in your car accident claims.To begin you need to know…Who is the Car Insurance Adjuster?
The auto claims adjuster is the person who will evaluate what your auto accident settlement is actually worth.The auto insurance adjuster will:Collect and review the facts of your auto accident.
Check if you are covered under an auto insurance policy.
Investigate who was at fault for the accident.
Negotiate with you about your final settlement.
Write a check for your settlement. However, the main goal of the car insurance adjuster is to settle your accident claim quickly and cheaply. This is why the insurance company hires them and this is how it rates their performance. An insurance adjuster, who takes too long to close auto accident claims or is unable to get low car insurance settlement, is not going to make their claims supervisor happy.When you are negotiating your car insurance settlement, the two most important things you should focus on are…1. Never Rush to Finish Your Auto Insurance Settlements
The auto insurance adjuster will try to pressure you to settle your auto accident claim quickly. This is because the longer an auto settlement takes, the more money an insurance company risks of losing.You should never settle your car accident claims quickly. Even though you may want a quick accident settlement, to get your money faster and avoid the headache of dealing with the insurance companies, you will only hurt yourself in the long run.Getting a quick auto insurance settlement will not help you, if you don’t take the time to get accurate car repair estimates. A quick settlement will not help you, if your car accident injuries are not properly diagnosed and treated.These things will end up costing you a lot more money in the long run. Settling the claims quickly helps the insurance company, not you. So take your time analyzing your accident claims, speaking with doctors, getting multiple car repair estimates, and fully recovering before closing your auto insurance settlements.2. Never Accept the First Car Accident Settlement Offer
It is a common practice amongst auto claims adjusters, to give you their lowest settlement offer first. Remember, the claims adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company money, not you.The low settlement offer helps the auto claims adjuster see how desperate you are to settle. If you take the first offer, you will have missed out on a lot more money from your auto accident settlements. This is because the auto claims adjuster always has more money to negotiate with. The auto claims adjuster is given a settlement range to work with. This settlements range, depends on the how experienced the auto insurance adjuster is.For example, a relatively inexperienced adjuster may be given a range of $5,000 to $10,000. While a more experience adjuster may have $10,000-$25,000 to close a claim with.You most likely won’t know the car accident settlement range of your adjuster, but you should never accept the first offer.These are some of the most common negotiating tactics, used by the auto insurance adjuster, to lower your car accident settlements.

Habits – The Big Secret to Marketing Success

What do you think you need more than anything else to attract more of your ideal clients?Many people will say, “better information to show me how to do what works.”Others will say, “more motivation and drive to implement what I already know.”Another common answer is, “more time to fit marketing activities into my schedule.”And lots of people will say, “I need better goals and more clarity about what I want to achieve.”In writing this ezine/blog for the past 20 years I’ve talked about the importance of all of those.But I’m finally understanding a factor that is much more important: good habits.Over the past year, I’ve been a big advocate of the writings of James Clear. He writes a blog about success and habits. And he just came out with his first book, Atomic Habits, which is fantastic.Even though James isn’t a marketing expert, I’m convinced he’s right when he says that the ultimate determinant of success is building positive habits.This idea is simple but true: Self-employed professionals who establish regular marketing habits have a much better chance of succeeding than those who don’t.And the crazy thing is that the four items – information, motivation, time, and goals – I mentioned above don’t actually make a huge difference.Information. These days, we have access to more information about marketing than ever before in history. And much of it is free and instantly available through a Google or YouTube search.The problem is that most of us have not established a regular habit of studying what we need to know to become better marketers. The information is useless unless we become proficient at implementing it.And even if we pay good money for courses and programs, much of it goes to waste. I just learned recently online that 97% of people who buy a course online never complete it.Motivation. If we measured motivation by intention, we are all motivated. Don’t we all want and need to grow our businesses? But we keep getting distracted and don’t follow through on our intentions. Again, the issue is poor habits.Time. If only we had more of it. But unsuccessful marketers have just as much of it as the most successful ones. The key is that they dedicate more time to implementing regular marketing habits.Goals. Nothing wrong with goals except that they are only a starting point for success. And they can get us stuck in the future, instead of doing what needs to be done today – the routine marketing habits that we perform every day or week.”A habit or system beats a goal every time.” – James ClearThe research is in and the conclusion is clear.Establishing positive and consistent marketing habits have a bigger impact on marketing success than anything else.We may have great information, high motivation, lots of time, and clear goals, but unless marketing activities are performed regularly and habitually, the chances of success are slim to none.The question you should be asking is, “How do I start establishing better marketing habits?”James’s Atomic Habits goes to great lengths to share a multitude of ways to become an expert habit practitioner. So I highly suggest you get his book. It could be the most valuable ‘marketing’ book you’ll ever read.But let me also give you my perspective on what it takes to establish new marketing habits.The C – SPAT ModelThis is a model I came up with for one of my marketing programs.Coaching or Context. A coach declares the game, how it is played and how to win at it. And this creates the context in which you play the game. It helps if you have an outside source that can hold you accountable to play by the rules necessary to succeed.This principle is why when you’re working with a coach or in a program that you suddenly find it’s easier to take action and form positive habits. The context of the game helps shape your behaviors.Notice that all professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants go through rigorous training in the form of a professional school and internship. And in this context, professional habits and protocols are established.As independent professionals, we’d all prefer to do things on our own, charting our own direction. That’s nice, except that it doesn’t always work very well, does it?Study. A big part of the game is study and learning the body of knowledge necessary to perform effectively. Again, the information required to be an effective marketer is readily available, but you need some assistance in sorting the wheat from the chaff and studying what is most useful.Planning. All successful marketing needs a plan. The alternative is implementing random marketing activities with little structure and direction. So it’s not how much you know, but how you put what you know into action.Action. Success doesn’t come from being busy or doing a lot of things, but in doing the right things at the right time. This is where establishing regular marketing habits comes in.To some, it might be writing an article once or twice a week. For others, it may mean setting up more meetings with networking contacts. Or it could be booking regular speaking engagements.The secret to making this work is to leverage the first three steps of the model – Coaching, Study, and Planning, into marketing Actions that you perform as consistently as possible.Tracking. What gets measured gets done. And when we fail to measure, habits don’t tend to stick. When we measure and track habits, the chances increase dramatically that they are performed consistently.It can take some time to establish positive habits. You know that’s happened when you don’t even have to think about it anymore; you just sit down and write that article every Monday or make five calls to prospects every week.And when you’re in action like this, you create a feedback loop, learning what works the best and what doesn’t. This enables you to fine-tune and adjust over time until your marketing habits become more established.So, stop putting so much attention on searching for the “perfect” marketing strategy, getting motivated, finding more time, and setting goals.Instead, use the C – SPAT approach to establishing positive marketing habits.Cheers, Robert